General Provisions
90.01 Animals running at large
90.02 Domestic fowl running at large in city
90.03 Killing or molesting squirrels, birds or pets
90.04 Keeping hogs in city
90.05 Keeping horses and cows in city
90.06 Disposal of dead animals; enclosed vehicles for transporting
90.07 Noise disturbance
Dogs and Cats
90.15 Definitions
90.16 Dogs and cats running at large
90.17 (Reserved)
90.18 Treatment of dogs and cats
90.19 Dog Warden to take possession; entry on private property
90.20 Impounding
90.21 Interference with Dog Warden
90.22 Conflict of powers or authority
90.23 Pooper Scooper Law
Vicious Dogs
90.24 Definitions
90.25 Confinement of vicious dogs
90.26 Restraining of vicious dogs; leash and muzzle
90.99 Penalty
When animals constitute nuisance, see § 94.02