The applicant shall submit a completed PUD application to the secretary of the Hoopeston plan commission, together with twelve copies of the preliminary development plan, and an application fee as provided for by ordinance. The preliminary development plan shall contain all of the following material:
A. The name and address of all owners of the site proposed for development as well as the name and address of all professional site planners, architects, engineers, surveyors, or other consultants: the applicant shall promptly inform the secretary of the plan commission of any change which may occur in this information prior to the approval of the final development plan by the Hoopeston city council:
B. A legal description of the site proposed for development;
C. A general area plan showing the intended use and future street locations for adjacent areas, when the proposed PUD is intended to represent a single phase of a longer-range development;
D. The location of all property lines, existing streets, easements, utilities, and any other significant physical features;
E. Date, north arrow, and graphic scale (not less than one inch to one hundred feet) of all drawings submitted;
F. Present and proposed zoning;
G. An indication of the existing conditions on the tract, including contour lines at intervals of two feet or less, watercourses, flood plain areas, and existing drainage facilities, wooded areas, and isolated trees of six inches or more in diameter, existing streets, sidewalks or other improvements, and existing buildings and structures, with an indication of those which will be removed and those which will be retained as part of the development;
H. An indication of the area surrounding the site, showing land use, peculiar physical features, public facilities, and existing zoning;
I. A site plan of the proposed development, indicating the general location of the following:
1. All buildings, structures, and other improvements,
2. Common open space,
3. Off-street parking facilities and number of parking spaces to be provided,
4. Sidewalks,
5. Illuminated areas,
6. Use of open space being provided,
7. Screening or buffering of the development perimeters,
8. Indication as to which areas and streets are intended to be public,
9. All utilities, including storm drainage, sanitary sewer and water service,
10. Other documents, explaining other circumstances, as the plan commission may require;
J. Quantitative data indicating the following:
1. Total number of dwelling units (if applicable),
2. Proposed lot coverage of buildings and structures, as a percentage of the total area,
3. Approximate gross and net residential densities, excluding all streets and roadways (if applicable),
4. The floor area,
5. Other calculations, as the plan commission may require;
K. Elevation or perspective drawings of all buildings and improvements. The drawings need not be final architectural or engineering plans, but should be sufficient to show the developer's intent;
L. A development schedule indicating:
1. The approximate date when construction of the project will begin,
2. The stages in which the project will be built, and the approximate date when construction of each stage will begin,
3. The approximate dates when the development of each of the stages will be completed,
4. The area and location of common open space that will be provided at each stage;
M. If the applicant intends to sell or lease all or a portion of the PUD after the project is approved, a statement shall be presented to the commission, to stipulate the conditions of sale and maintenance of such developed properties, and to present any covenants, deed restrictions, or other similar agreements between the applicant and future owners.
(Ord. 81-11 Art. XVIII § 5(B), 1980).