A. Any non-conforming use, building, structure, or lot, as defined in this title may be continued under the regulations of this chapter, with the exception of mobile homes and trailers as provided in Chapter 17.48, Mobile Home Park District, and Section 17.72.090, Nonconforming signs. This chapter shall not be interpreted as authorizing the continuation of any noncompliance with the regulations of this title which was not lawfully existing on the effective date of the ordinance codified in this title, or lawfully existing on the date the ordinance codified in this title became effective as to such structure, building, use, lot, or land. Any nonconformity which conformed with the provisions of any previous zoning ordinance applicable to it, or which was rendered nonconforming by an amendment to this title, shall be considered lawful, and may continue as a nonconformity under the provisions of this title.
B. If a building, structure, land or use thereof, which hereafter becomes subject to the provisions of this title, whether by annexation to the city or otherwise, does not conform with all applicable provisions of this title, it shall be considered lawful, and may continue as a nonconformity under the provisions of this chapter. No building, structure, lot, land, or use thereof, which does not conform to the applicable regulations of this title, and does not qualify as an authorized nonconformity as defined herein, shall be considered lawful or be permitted to continue under the provisions of this title.
(Ord. 81-11 Art. XVI § 1, 1980).