A. Front Yard. There shall be a front yard between the building line and the highway or street along all highways or streets, as follows:
1. On existing four-lane federal or state highways, a distance of twenty-five feet from the right-of-way line;
2. On existing two-lane federal or state highways, a distance of twenty-five feet from the right-of-way line;
3. On all county highways and township roads and all major streets or thoroughfares a distance of seventy-five feet from the centerline;
4. All other streets, a distance of twenty-five feet from the right-of-way line.
B. Side Yards.
1. On each interior lot, side yards shall be provided in accordance with the following table:
Min. No. Min. Agg. Min. For
Type of Dwelling Unit of Yards Width Any One
(in ft.) Side (in ft.)
Type of Dwelling Unit of Yards Width Any One
(in ft.) Side (in ft.)
Single-family dwelling 2 10 5
Single-family, attached 1 6 6
(end only)
Two-family dwelling 2 15 6
Multifamily dwelling 2 15 6
2. On each corner lot, there shall be a side yard abutting the street having a width of not less than twenty-five feet and except where the lot is occupied by a single-family semidetached dwelling, a two-family semidetached dwelling, or by a townhouse, a side yard abutting the interior side lot line having a width of not less than five feet.
3. For every building erected, altered or used for any other use permitted in this district, there shall be side yards provided in accordance with the following:
a. On interior lots, there shall be two side yards having an aggregate width of not iess than fifteen feet, neither side yard having a width of less than five feet.
b. On each corner lot, there shall be two side yards, the side yard abutting the street having a width of not less than twenty-five feet, and the side yard not abutting the street having a width of not less than five feet.
4. On any lot, in any side yard not abutting the street, a detached private garage may be erected and maintained within the rear quarter of the lot if not closer to the side lot line than five feet, and private garages may be erected and maintained on adjacent lots within the rear quarters thereof having a wall in common located on the common side lot line.
C. Rear Yard. There shall be a rear yard on each lot, the depth of which shall be not less than twenty-five feet, except that an accessory use structure may be erected within the rear yard not closer to the rear lot line than five feet.
(Ord. 81-11 Art VII § 3 (B), (C), (D), 1980).