All design criteria shall conform with the current Standard Specifications for Water and Sewer Main Construction in Illinois, except for the following items:
A. Water main sizes shall depend upon factors such as the demand requirements, the pressure requirements in distribution system, and plans for the expansion of the municipal system. All mains located within the distribution system shall be a minimum of six inches in diameter.
B. The layout of the water mains shall be as to serve adequately all lots and tracts with connection to the municipal system. The mains shall be looped and valved to permit shutting off of service to only a small number of connections for repairs or maintenance. Preferably, disruption of service should be limited to one block. Looped main shall be provided in all locations except cul-de-sacs or scattered properties. The design and construction shall include the placement of tees, crosses, etc. where future development indicates looping will be required.
C. Unlooped mains or dead-ends shall be equipped with a fire hydrant or flushing hydrant. The flushing hydrant shall be at least the size of the main or four inches, whichever is smaller. No flushing device shall be directly connected to a storm drain.
D. Fire hydrants shall be installed throughout the entire distribution system. The hydrant spacing shall provide for hose lines not exceeding three hundred fifty feet to a house. Hydrants along the street shall be at a maximum five hundred foot interval.
E. All fire hydrants shall be equipped with an auxiliary valve located between the main and the hydrant. See Standard Drawing No. 2, located at the end of this title.
F. All hydrant leads shall be a minimum six-inch diameter.
G. All hydrants shall have a seven-inch barrel, two two-and-one-half-inch hose connections, and one four-and-one-half-inch pumper connection. Threads shall match those presently in use for the local fire department.
H. All plugs, caps, tees, bends, and fittings deflecting 22-Vi degrees or more on mains shall be provided with a reaction backing. The reaction backing should be concrete of a mix having a compressive strength of not less than two thousand psi at twenty-eight days. Backing shall be placed between solid ground and the fitting to be anchored; the area of bear-ing on the pipe and on the ground in each instance shall be shown on the plans. See Standard Drawing No. 5, located at the end of this title.
I. Valves shall be uniformly located in some standard area such as street or curbline to facilitate their location. A valve box, with its cover at the finished grade, shall always be placed over a buried valve. Valves should be located on all branches from feeder mains and between distributors and fire hydrants. Three valves should be used at crosses and two valves at tees; the valves should be placed on the smaller lines at each cross or tee. On arterial mains and minor distributors, valves should be placed at least every one thousand two hundred feet.
J. All service connections shall be supplied with corporation stops, angle valve, meter box, yoke bar, expansion connection and yoke ell to each lot. The service pipe shall conform with the Municipal code. Water service lines should be installed to the approximate property line and shall terminate in a meter box, including cover according to Standard Drawing No. 4, located at the end of this title. The developer will be responsible for the installation of the ford yoke with valve and ell. The city water department will be responsible for the meter and installation of the meter.
K. Minimum cover for mains and services shall be forty-eight inches.
L. Where the subdivider can show by cost estimates that it is not economical to connect a public water system (taking into account the cost of installing individual wells and their maintenance costs), he shall indicate that the lots are of adequate size to permit the construction of a well on each lot at least twenty-five feet from any building, at least ten feet from any lot line, and at least seventy-five feet from any septic system seepage field. The well shall be situated clear of any driveway, parking area or other source of contamination. There shall not be any future cross-connections between the well system and any public distribution system. The minimum lot size for lots with both a well and septic tank system shall be twenty-five thousand square feet.
M. All permits required must be obtained by the developer, (i.e. Environmental Protection Agency permit).
(Ord. 81-10 § 10.1 (A), 1980).