16.24.060 City council action.
   A.   The city council will not give the final approval to any proposed subdivision until:
      1.   The plan commission has recommended approval or disapproval of the final plat;
      2.   The city engineer has recommended approval or disapproval of the subdivision improvement plans and specifications;
      3.   The developer presents his performance bond or certificate of deposit in the amount and form in accordance with the attachments located at the end of this title. (See Attachment No. 2.)
   B.   The city council, after receiving recommendations from the plan commission and city engineer shall then consider the proposed subdivision.
   C.   The following certificate shall appear on the final plat directly below the plan commission certificate.
   The Final Plat entitled           has received approval by the Mayor and Council of the City of Hoopeston, Illinois. This Plat shall be recorded with the Recorder of Deeds, Vermilion County, Illinois, within one year of this date, otherwise the Plat shall become VOID.
   Mayor            Date
   City Clerk         Date
(SEAL) (Ord. 81-10 § 5.6, 1980).