16.24.050 Review-Approval or denial procedure.
   A.   If all of the above requirements have been satisfied, the plat officer will present the final plat to the plan commission at the next regular meeting. It is recommended that the developer be present at this meeting. The plan commission shall make one of the following recommendations to the city council:
      1.   Deny approval of the final plat;
      2.   Recommend approval of the final plat to the city council;
      3.   Recommend approval of the final plat to the city council subject to minor corrections or additions.
   B.   If the plan commission denies approval of the final plat, the reason for denial shall be clearly set forth and delivered to the developer.
   C.   If the plan commission recommends to the city council approval of the final plat, it shall be so executed at that time. The original plat and seven copies shall be executed by the plan commission. The plan officer shall then present the final plat to the city council at its next regular meeting. At the same city council meeting, the city engineer shall present the subdivision improvement plans and specifications. At that time, the city council shall approve or disapprove the final plat, and the plans and specifications, and shall clearly state their reasons for their actions. In the event the city council disapproves either the plat or the final plans and specifications, the developer has one year from the date of such disapproval to make the corrections and resubmit to the city council; otherwise, the prior approval of the plan commission and/or the approval of the city engineer shall become null and void.
   D.   On the final plat, the following certificate shall appear:
   The Final Plat entitled           has a recommendation for (approval) (disapproval) by the Plan Commission of the City of Hoopeston, Illinois.
   Chairman         Date
   Secretary         Date
(Ord. 81-10 § 5,5, 1980).