Information on proposed conditions shall include:
A. The location, width, approximate grades and typical cross-section of proposed streets, rights-of-way, crosswalks, easements, and other areas to be reserved for public use;
B. An identification system for all lots and blocks and street names. Lot lines to show approximate dimensions and setback lines. Approximate lot areas should also be shown;
C. The proposed zoning classification if a change is sought;
D. Distances to the nearest established street lines;
E. The plan of any proposed watercourses or impoundments including stream relocations, showing normal water levels and direction of flow;
F. The provisions and design for water supply, sewage disposal, and stormwater disposal indicated by a general drainage plan of sufficient detail to show how the water will be moved over the site, and subsurface drainage including provisions for continual maintenance of natural drainage courses and field drainage tile systems. Known on-site field drainage tile systems serving areas off the site shall be located in designated easements;
G. If a private septic disposal system is proposed for any lot, a registered professional engineer shall certify, on the face of the preliminary plat, that the proposed lots and soil characteristics are adequate for such a disposal system. Test data to support this certification shall also be submitted;
H. Approval from the Vermilion County soil and water district, if required;
I. The developer shall mail two prints of the preliminary plat to Eastern Illinois Telephone Corporation, 310 East Penn Street, Hoopeston, Illinois. One print of the preliminary plat to Central Illinois Public Service Co., Route 9, Paxton, Illinois, and one print to the Vermilion County superintendent of highways, Route 1, Oakwood, Illinois.
(Ord. 81-10 § 4.5, 1980).