Designated areas available for the use of snowmobiles for the purpose of ingress and egress to and from the city:
A. Any alley within the city;
B. From the western corporate boundary of the city eastward on Thompson Avenue to the eastern corporate boundary of the city;
C. Market Street from the point of intersection of Market Street and Thompson Avenue to the northern corporate boundary;
D. Sixth Avenue between Thompson Avenue and Orange Street;
E. West Chestnut Street between Sixth Avenue and First Avenue;
F. East Chestnut Street between Market Street and Euclid Avenue;
G. Euclid Avenue from Orange Street to Penn Street;
H. Penn Street from Euclid Avenue to Eighth Street;
I. Eighth Street from Penn Street to Main Street;
J. Main Street from Eighth Street to Seventh Street;
K. Seventh Street from Main Street to the northern corporate boundary;
L. On other streets to make a direct crossing provided:
1. The crossing is made at an angle approximately ninety degrees to the direction of the street and at a place where no obstruction prevents a quick and safe crossing, and
2. The snowmobile is brought to a complete stop before crossing the street, and
3. The operator yields the right-of-way to all oncoming traffic which constitutes a hazard.
(Ord. 80-36 § 3, 1980).