A. No person shall operate a motorized golf cart or UTV unless he or she has obtained a permit from the city as provided in this section for said vehicle.
B. Permits shall be granted for a period of one season, which is January 1 through December 31 for each calendar year after the owner has completed and returned affidavit of compliance for safety reasons.
C. The cost of a permit is $50 per golf cart or UTV to cover the costs of implementing and maintaining this chapter. Insurance coverage will be verified as in effect by the city when issuing or renewing a permit.
D. The chief of police or his/her designee retains the right to refuse to issue and/or revoke any permit sticker for any golf cart or UTV at any time for any reason that he/she feels is appropriate to ensure the safety and well being of the citizens of the city.
E. Golf cart and UTV owners must complete the affidavit of compliance for safety reasons to obtain a valid permit. The completed form will be maintained by the police department. The police department will issue visible proof of compliance that must be attached to the rear of the golf cart or UTV.
F. Any individual golf cart or UTV that meets all the requirements to receive a permit, under the affidavit of compliance for safety reasons, sells said golf cart or UTV, the permit previously issued is not transferable. The new owner of said golf cart or UTV will have to come in and sign an affidavit of compliance for safety reasons in order to have a valid permit after said purchase.
(Ord. 2022-9, 2022; Ord. 2017-9, 2017; Ord. 2017-8, 2016; Ord. 2010-15 § 3, 2010; Ord. 2010-3 § 3, 2010).