A. Any street designated by ordinance as a yield right-of-way street and so posted is declared to be a yield right-of-way street.
B. The driver of a vehicle in obedience to a yield right-of-way sign shall reduce the speed of his vehicle to not more than twenty miles per hour and shall yield the right-of-way to other vehicles which have entered the intersecting street either from the right or left or which are approaching so closely on such intersection as to constitute a hazard; but said driver having so yielded may proceed at such time as a safe interval occurs.
C. If a driver is involved in a collision at an intersection or interferes with the movement of other vehicles after driving past a yield right-of-way sign, such collision shall be deemed prima facie evidence of the driver's failure to yield right-of-way.
D. The street and alley commissioner shall erect yield right-of-way signs bearing the words "Yield Right of Way" in letters not less than eight inches in height at each and every such place where a full and complete yield of right-of-way of all vehicles is required, as follows:
At the southeast corner of Thompson Avenue and Tenth Avenue for observance of northbound traffic on Tenth Avenue;
At the southeast corner of Thompson Avenue and Ninth Avenue for observance of northbound traffic on Ninth Avenue;
At the southeast corner of Thompson Avenue and Eighth Avenue for observance of northbound traffic on Eighth Avenue;
At the southeast corner of Thompson Avenue and Seventh Avenue for observance of northbound traffic on Seventh Avenue;
At the southeast corner of Thompson Avenue and Sixth Avenue for observance of northbound traffic on Sixth Avenue;
At the southwest corner of McCracken Avenue and Sixth Avenue for observance of eastbound traffic on McCracken Avenue;
At the southwest corner of Young Avenue and Sixth Avenue for observance of eastbound traffic on Young Avenue;
At the southeast corner of Thompson Avenue and Front Street for observance of northbound traffic on Front Street;
At the northwest corner of Thompson Avenue and Third Street for observance of southbound traffic on Third Street;
At the northwest corner of Thompson Avenue and Front Street for observance of southbound traffic on Front Street;
At the southwest corner of Lincoln Street and Second Avenue for observance of eastbound traffic on Lincoln Street;
At the northeast corner of Lincoln Street and Second Avenue for observance of westbound traffic on Lincoln Street;
At the northeast corner of Sprague Road and Euclid Avenue for observance of westbound traffic on Sprague Road;
At the southwest corner of Washington Street and Euclid Avenue for observance of eastbound traffic on Washington Street;
At the southwest corner of Lincoln Street and Euclid Avenue for observance of eastbound traffic on Lincoln Street;
At the southwest corner of Maple Street and Euclid Avenue for observance of eastbound traffic on Maple Street;
At the southwest corner of Elm Street and Euclid Avenue for observance of eastbound traffic on Elm Street;
At the southwest corner of Chestnut Street and Euclid Avenue for observance of eastbound traffic on Chestnut Street;
At the northwest corner of Fourth Avenue and West Lincoln Street for observance by southbound traffic on Fourth Avenue;
At the southeast corner of Fourth Avenue and West Lincoln Street for observance by northbound traffic on Fourth Avenue;
At the northwest corner of Lincoln Street and Third Street for observance by southbound traffic on Third Street;
At the southeast corner of Lincoln Street and Third Street for observance by northbound traffic on Third Street;
At the northwest corner of Sixth Street and East McNeil Avenue for observance by southbound traffic on Sixth Street;
At the southeast corner of Sixth Street and East McNeil Avenue for observance by northbound traffic on Sixth Street;
At the northeast corner of East Elm St. and South Third Street for observance by northbound traffic on South Third Street;
At the southwest corner of East Elm Street and South Fourth Street for observance by southbound traffic on South Third Street;
At the northeast corner of East Elm Street and South Fourth Street for observance of northbound traffic on South Fourth Street;
At the southwest corner of East Elm Street and South Fourth Street for observance of southbound traffic on South fourth street;
At the northeast corner of Fifth Street and East McNeil Avenue for observance by westbound traffic on McNeil Avenue;
At the southwest corner of Fifth Street and East McNeil Avenue for observance by eastbound traffic on McNeil Avenue;
At the northwest corner of Fourth Street and East McNeil Avenue for observance by southbound traffic on Fourth Street;
At the southeast corner of Fourth Street and East McNeil Avenue for observance by northbound traffic on Fourth Street;
At the northwest corner of Sixth Street and Young Avenue for observance of southbound traffic on Sixth Street;
At the southeast corner of Sixth Street and Young Avenue for observance of northbound traffic on Sixth Street;
At the northwest corner of Sixth Street and McCracken for observance by southbound traffic on Sixth Street;
At the southeast corner of Sixth Street and McCracken for observance by northbound traffic on Sixth Street.
At the southwest corner of E. Chestnut St. and S. Third St. for the observance by eastbound traffic on E. Chestnut St.
At the northeast corner of E. Chestnut St. and S. Third St. for the observance by westbound traffic on E. Chestnut St.
At the northwest corner of E. Chestnut St. and S. Fourth St. for the observance by northbound traffic on S. Fourth St.
At the southeast corner of E. Chestnut St. and S. Fourth St. for the observance by southbound traffic on S. Fourth St.
At the northwest corner of S. Sixth St. and E. Chestnut St. for the observance by northbound traffic on S. Sixth St.
At the southeast corner of S. Sixth St. and E. Chestnut St. for the observance by southbound traffic on S. Sixth St.
At the northwest corner of S. Seventh St. and E. Chestnut St. for the observance by northbound traffic on S. Seventh St.
At the southeast corner of S. Seventh St. and E. Chestnut St. for the observance by southbound traffic on S. Seventh St.
At the northwest corner of W. Elm St. and S. Third Ave. for the observance by westbound traffic on S. Third Ave.
At the southeast corner of W. Elm St. and S. Third Ave. for the observance by eastbound traffic on S. Third Ave.
At the northwest corner of W. Elm St. and S. Fifth Ave. for the observance by westbound traffic on S. Fifth St.
At the northwest corner of W. Chestnut St. and S. Fifth Ave. for the observance by northbound traffic on S. Fifth Ave.
At the southeast corner of W. Lincoln St. and S. Fifth Ave. for the observance by southbound traffic on S. Fifth Ave.
At the northwest corner of W. Lincoln St. and S. Fifth St. for the observance by northbound traffic on S. Fifth St.
At the northwest corner of E. McCracken and N. Fifth St. for the observance by westbound traffic on N. Fifth St.
At the southeast corner of E. McCracken and N. Fifth St. for the observance by eastbound traffic on N. Fifth St.
At the northwest corner of Third St. yielding to oncoming traffic on E. McCracken Ave., and on the southeast corner of Third St. yielding to oncoming traffic on E. McCracken Ave., located in the city.
At the northeast and southwest corner of North Seventh St. where it intersects with East McNeil Ave., and shall be determined to be a yield intersection.
At the northwest corner of E. Seminary St. and Eighth St. for the observance of southbound traffic on Eighth St.; and at the southeast corner of E. Seminary and Eighth St. for the observance of northbound traffic on Eighth St.
(Ord. 2016-11, 2016; Ord. 2013-10, 2012; Ord. 2013-9, 2012; Ord. 89-4 § 1, 1988; Ord. 87-15 § 1, 1987; Ord. 87-9 § 1, 1986; Ord. 86-3 § 1, 1985; Ord. 85-6 § 1, 1984; Ord. 84-14 § 1, 1983; Ord. 83-28, 1982; Ord. 83-16, 1982; Ord. 83-2, 1982; Ord, 82-17, 1982; Ord. 82-10 § 1, 1981; Ord. 81-61 § 1, 1980; Ord. 503 § 1, 1975; Ord. 97-4 § 1, 1997; §Ord. 99-1§ 1; prior code § 10-204).