8.08.010 Restrictions.
   The burning of trash, refuse, paper, junk, or any other material for disposal or otherwise except inside factories, businesses and homes shall not be permitted during the period between sunset and sunrise. No such burning of trash, refuse, paper, junk or any other material for disposal shall be permitted if the burning thereof causes the production of noxious or dangerous fumes, gases, or smoke; nor shall it be permitted within fifteen feet of any building or other flammable structure; nor shall it be permitted in any street, public way, or on vacant property within the city except within a suitable container or strucdure at or adjacent to the alley, or if no alley is adjacent to the property, at the furthest point to the rear property line, and in no event shall the burning be done in such manner as to interfere with the safe passage of pedestrians or vehicles through the alley right-of-way.
(Ord. 81-39 § 1, 1980: prior code § 15.201).