8.04.090 Preparation and placement of garbage and refuse.  
   All domicile waste and garbage shall be thoroughly and completely drained of all free liquid, wrapped securely in paper and placed in a proper container. Disposal of items too large for the containers provided for in Section 8.04.080, such as discarded furniture is the responsibility of the owner, occupant, or lessee and must not be left outside for more than three days or it will be considered abandoned and the owner, occupant, or lessee will be charged by the city for its disposal. In the case of a lessee, the owner is ultimately responsible for said disposal. If the owner, occupant, or lessee wishes to pay the city to dispose of these items they shall be neatly and compactly bundled not over four feet in length and not over two feet in diameter or in such other dimensions as the street and alley commissioner may provide for. Containers and other material properly prepared for collection shall be placed at designated collection points on the day of collection at such time as may be provided by the street and alley commissioner. Where the designated collection point is at the curb or other location not on an alley, the containers and other material shall not be placed out for collection prior to twelve hours before the designated day of collection and containers shall be removed within twelve hours after collection is made. The days and times of collection shall be determined by the street and alley commissioner. Commercial refuse shall be collected at such times, in such manner and upon such terms and conditions as may hereafter, from time to time, be provided for by the street and alley commissioner. No person may knowingly put landscape waste into a container intended for collection or disposal with any other type of waste. All landscape waste must be separated from all other matters without exception. Landscape waste means all accumulations of grass or shrubbery cuttings, leaves, tree limbs or other materials accumulated as the result of the care of lawns, shrubbery, vines and trees. Landscape waste shall be disposed of only by separate collection or by composting on the sight. Separate collection of landscape waste shall be provided at the city's discretion and upon collection of said landscape waste shall be disposed of as required by the statutes of the state.
(Ord. 2020-2, 2019: Ord. 91-1, 1990: prior code § 15.104).