8.04.030 Accumulation prohibited-Disposal.  
   The owner, occupant, or lessee of any premises within the city shall remove from the premises and dispose of all garbage, dead rodents, animals or fowls, ashes, tin cans, manure, and all refuse and rubbish of every description whatsoever and shall keep the premises at all times clear of any accumulation of the same except as hereinafter provided. It shall be the duty of every owner or his agent or occupant of any house, building or apartment in the city to deposit all garbage in watertight containers or to secure in such other manner as is provided by this code; provided that, and for so long as, the city shall continue to provide for the collection of garbage, trash and other deposits, in addition to the regular garbage collection, the owner, occupant or lessee of any premises in the city may deposit and collect such refuse for alley collection, provided that he meets and complies with the ordinances otherwise provided, including but not limited to those set forth in this chapter under the titles "Garbage and Refuse Collection" and "Alley Collection."
(Ord. 2005-18, § 2, 2005; Ord. 81-18 § 2, 1980).