1.04.010 Title-Citation-Reference.
1.04.020 Codification authority.
1.04.030 Definitions.
1.04.040 Title, chapter and section headings.
1.04.050 Title of office.
1.04.060 Liability of public officers.
1.04.070 Interpretation of language.
1.04.080 Grammatical interpretation.
1.04.090 Acts by agents.
1.04.100 Prohibited acts include causing and permitting.
1.04.110 Computation of time.
1.04.120 Construction.
1.04.130 Intent
1.04.140 Reference to specific ordinances.
1.04.150 Effect of code on past actions and obligations.
1.04.160 Incorporation of amendments and additions.
1.04.170 Repeal shall not revive any ordinances.
1.04.180 Public utility ordinances.
1.04.190 Pending suits.
1.04.200 Constitutionality.
1.04.210 Repeal of general ordinances.