2.78.060 Consequences for knowingly making a false report.  
   A. A “false report” is a report of sexual harassment made by an accuser using the sexual harassment report to accomplish some end other than stopping sexual harassment or retaliation for reporting sexual harassment. A “false report” is not a report made in good faith that cannot be proven. Given the seriousness of the consequences for the accused, a false or frivolous report is a severe offense that can, itself, result in disciplinary action. Any person who intentionally makes a false report alleging a violation of any provision of this chapter shall be subject to discipline or discharge pursuant to applicable municipal policies, employment agreements, procedures, employee handbooks, and/or collective bargaining agreements.
   B.   In addition, any person who intentionally makes a false report alleging a violation of any provision of the State Officials and Employees Ethics Act to an ethics commission, an inspector general, the state police, a state's attorney, the attorney general, or any other law enforcement official, is guilty of a Class A misdemeanor. An ethics commission may levy an administrative fine of up to five thousand dollars against any person who intentionally makes a false, frivolous or bad faith allegation.
(Ord. 2018-11, § 1 (part), 2018)