6.08.141 Biting dogs.  
   It shall be unlawful for the owner or keeper of any dog, when notified that the dog has bitten any person or has injured any person as to cause an abrasion of the skin, to see or give away the dog or permit or allow the dog to be taken beyond the limits of the city. It shall be the duty of the owner or keeper, on receiving notice of the character aforesaid, to notify and deliver the dog to the animal control officer, where the dog shall be securely chained or confined for a period of at least ten days or as determined necessary by the animal control officer. Owner or keeper of confined dog will be responsible for all boarding costs related to the confinement of animal. However, the forgoing shall not apply to any animal used by a law enforcement officer in the performance of the functions or duties of the law enforcement agency.
(Ord. 2015-16, 2014).