A person or public agency shall not discharge explosives, excavate, or tunnel in a street, highway, public place, sidewalk, curb, or private easement of the village, either within or without the corporate limits of the village, or of a public utility, or near the location of a public facility, owned, maintained, or installed on a customer's premises, or demolish a building containing a public utility facility, without having first ascertained in the manner prescribed in § 92.32, the locations of all underground facilities of a public utility in the proposed area of excavations, discharging of explosives, tunneling, or demolition. No person or public utility shall move or remove any poles, guy anchors, and/or steel supports thereof whether by request of the village or not without a permit to do so from the village pursuant to § 92.33.
(Prior Code, § 560.03) Penalty, see § 92.99