(A)   Generally. Any person determined by the Village Manager or his or her designee to be in violation of § 92.15 shall be given notice of the violation and ordered to abate the violation as follows.
   (B)   Service of notice and order. The notice and order may be served by any one of the following means:
      (1)   In writing, by first-class mail, addressed to the owner of the property at the last known address as shown by village tax records. The notice and order shall at the same time also be mailed to the occupants of the property, if different from the owner. If the notice and order are served by mail, they shall be deemed received by the addressee three mail-delivery days after deposit in the United States mail;
      (2)   In writing, posted at the property. The notice and order shall be deemed to have been served to the owner and/or occupant, as applicable, at the time the notice and order is posted at the property; or
      (3)   By providing the notice and order orally, either in person or by telephone. The oral notice and order shall be deemed to have served to the owner and/or occupant, as applicable, at the time the oral notice and order are given. A written confirmation of the oral notice and order shall be mailed by the village to the person served within five days of the oral notice and order, provided that the failure to do so shall not affect the person's obligation to comply with the oral notice and order and shall not constitute a defense to a violation of § 92.15(A).
   (C)   Contents of notice and order. To the extent known by the village, and as applicable under the circumstances, a notice and order under this subchapter shall include:
      (1)   The date and time the notice was served;
      (2)   The name and address of the person (or persons) responsible for the violation;
      (3)   A description of the nature and location of the violation, and the provisions of this subchapter violated;
      (4)   The minimum corrective actions required to abate the violation;
      (5)   A statement that the violation must be abated within 48 hours from the time the notice was served;
      (6)   An order to abate the violation by the time specified in the order, which shall be 48 hours from the time notice and order are deemed to have been received, as provided by this subchapter;
      (7)   The applicable fines or other consequences for failure to abate the violation by the time specified in the notice and order; and
      (8)   A statement indicating that if the violation is not abated as ordered, then the village may unilaterally act to abate the violation; that the costs to the village of any action by the village to abate the violation, plus an administrative fee and any applicable fines, shall be a personal debt of the person to the village, which may be assessed by the village as a lien against the property until paid; and that the refusal to allow the village to abate an uncorrected violation shall constitute a separate and additional violation of this subchapter.
   (D)   Abatement required. Any person served with a notice and order as provided by this subchapter shall abate the violation as specified by the order.
(Ord. 02-01, passed 1- -2002) Penalty, see § 92.99