(A)   A property owner seeking initial issuance of a vacation rental license, or the renewal or modification of a vacation rental license, shall submit to the city a completed vacation rental license application, in a form promulgated by the city, together with an application fee in an amount set by resolution of the City Commission.
   (B)   A complete application for the initial issuance of a vacation rental license, or for its renewal or modification, shall demonstrate compliance with the standards and requirements set forth in this chapter through the following submittals:
      (1)   A completed vacation rental license application form, which must identify; the property owner, the address of the vacation rental, the vacation rental representative, and the phone number of the vacation rental representative.
      (2)   Payment of applicable fees.
      (3)   A copy of the vacation rental’s current and active license as a transient public lodging establishment with the Florida Department of Business and Professional Regulation. Owner-occupied vacation rental properties are exempt from this requirement.
      (4)   A copy of the vacation rental’s current and active certificate of registration with the Florida Department of Revenue for the purposes of collecting and remitting sales surtaxes, transient rental taxes, and any other taxes required by law to be remitted to the Florida Department of Revenue, if applicable.
      (5)   Evidence of the vacation rental’s current and active account with the Broward County Tax Collector for the purposes of collecting and remitting tourist development taxes and any other taxes required by law to be remitted to the Broward County Tax Collector.
Alternatively, a written statement by the property owner that the vacation rental representative is responsible for and will be remitting all applicable local Broward County business and tourist development taxes through their peer-to-peer or platform entity through which the vacation rental is booked. The vacation rental representative shall list on the rental license application the name of all peer-to-peer or platform entities they will be using and shall promptly notify the city of any changes related thereto. In the event the vacation rental is advertised on a peer-to-peer or platform entity that fails to remit all applicable local Broward County business and tourist development taxes, the vacation rental representative will be required to promptly secure and maintain an active account with the Broward County Tax Collector for the purposes of collecting and remitting tourist development taxes and any other taxes required by law to be remitted to the Broward County Tax Collector.
      (6)   A copy of active City of Hollywood and Broward County local business tax receipts for the vacation rental.
      (7)   A copy of the current City of Hollywood and Broward County local business tax receipts for the vacation rental representative, if the vacation rental representative is not the property owner. Alternatively, the vacation rental representative may provide a copy of their local business tax receipt from the Florida municipality where they maintain their principal business.
      (8)   A building sketch (may be hand-drawn) by floor shall be provided, showing a floor layout and demonstrating compliance with the standards and requirements set forth in this chapter. The sketch provided shall be drawn to scale, and shall show and identify all bedrooms, other rooms, bathrooms, exits, hallways, stairways, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, fire extinguishers and exit signage/lighting. The applicant shall provide photos of the interior including all bedrooms, bathrooms, and kitchen indexed to the submitted building sketch.
      (9)   An exterior site building sketch showing and identifying all structures, pools, spas, hot tubs, fencing and other uses, including the number and the location of all on-site and off-site parking spaces for the vacation rental and the location of all trash receptacles. The applicant shall provide photos of all exterior structures, pools, spas, hot tubs, fencing, other ancillary uses, number, and the location of all trash receptacles and on-site parking spaces indexed to the exterior site building sketch. Exterior photos shall include a front view, rear view, and both sides of the property exterior.
      (10)   Acknowledgment that each bedroom, hallway area leading to a bedroom, and kitchen shall be equipped with an approved, listed, single-station smoke detector meeting the minimum requirements of the NFPA.
      (11)   A section indicating the maximum number of occupants the vacation rental will have, both overnight and at all times other than overnight.
      (12)   When the vacation rental property is within 1,000 feet of any school, designated public school bus stop, day care center, park, playground, or other private or public recreational facility where children regularly congregate, a background check of all occupants as more specifically described hereunder in § 119.39 of this chapter will be required. Proof of background checks shall be provided upon request by the city.
      (13)   Acknowledgment that (i) the vacation rental shall be equipped with one or more noise level detection devices alerting the property owner/representative and occupants to noise emanating from the vacation rental, and (ii) all data produced by this device will be retained for a period of 180 days and made available to the city upon request. In addition to the main gathering area inside, an exterior noise detection device shall be located in the main gathering areas outside of the vacation rental where occupants and guests congregate, including but not limited to patios and pools.
      (14)   Representation that the property is in compliance with all applicable codes. A vacation rental license shall not be issued on a property with open violations.
      (15)   Acknowledgment that each lease of the property as a vacation rental shall identify all occupants by name and shall include a copy of Chapter 119 of the Code of Ordinances as an attachment.
      (16)   A certificate of insurance evidencing insurance coverage to cover liability for injury or harm to occupants and other invitees, and acknowledgment that (i) such liability coverage will be in effect at all times while the property is being used as a vacation rental, as evidenced by replacement certificates of insurance to be provided to the city as necessary, and (ii) a standard homeowner's or renter's insurance policy may not necessarily provide such liability coverage while the property is used as a vacation rental.
In the event that liability insurance is provided by the peer-to-peer or platform entity, a list of the name of all peer-to-peer or platform entities shall be submitted. The vacation rental representative shall notify the city if there is a change in or if additional peer-to-peer or platform entities will be used. If any peer-to-peer or platform entity does not provide liability insurance for the vacation rental, the vacation rental representative shall submit a certificate of insurance evidencing the required liability insurance coverage.
      (17)   The name and contact information for the peer-to-peer or platform entity or entities on which the vacation rental is, or will be, listed for rent.
      (18)   A statement as to whether the entire property or just a part thereof (i.e., a room or rooms) will be used as a vacation rental.
      (19)   A statement indicating how many times, and for how many days in total, the property was used as a vacation rental during the previous calendar year.
      (20)   The property owner's agreement to use his or her best efforts to assure that the vacation rental use of the dwelling unit will not disrupt the residential character of the neighborhood and will not interfere with the rights of neighboring property owners to the quiet enjoyment of their residences.
      (21)   A property that is sub-leased and used as a vacation rental will require the property owner or authorized designee to apply for a vacation rental license. The property owner will be held responsible for any violations that occur on the premises.
   (C)   Incomplete applications may be rejected and processing delayed until all missing items are submitted.
   (D)   Vacation rental license applications shall be sworn to under penalty of perjury. Any false statements in an application shall be a basis for the revocation of any license issued pursuant to that application.
   (E)   A vacation rental license shall not be issued to any property owner with an open building or code violation. An application submitted will not be approved until such time that the open violation has been resolved. If the building or code violation has not been cured within a year of the original application date, the application will be denied.
   (F)   A vacation rental license shall not be issued to any condominium, co-operative, or apartment unit within a building with one or more open violations. Additionally, a vacation rental license may not be issued to any condominium, co-operative, or apartment unit where the building has not conducted and passed the required inspections in conjunction with the Broward County Building Safety Inspection Program, as applicable.
   (G)   If a vacation rental is found to be operating without a city vacation rental, the City Manager or designee may refuse to issue a vacation rental license for a period not to exceed one year from the date of the second finding or admission of guilt.
(Ord. O-2015-24, passed 10-21-15; Am. Ord. O-2017-12, passed 8-30-17; Am. Ord. O-2017-15, passed 9-20-17; Am. Ord. O-2021-01, passed 1-20-21; Am. Ord. O-2023-12, passed 9-6-23)