(A)   The Council shall meet and hear objections to said public improvement to the special assessment district, and the special assessment roll therefor at the time and place appointed or at an adjourned meeting thereof and shall consider any objections thereto. The Council may revise, correct, or amend the plans, estimates of cost, special assessment district, and special assessment roll. If any changes shall be made which result in additions to the special assessment district or increases in the special assessment roll, then a second hearing shall be held with respect to said changes and notice of such hearing shall be given in the same manner as required for the first hearing.
   (B)   After the hearing, or second hearing if required, the Council may, by resolution, determine to proceed with the public improvement, determine the necessity thereof and set forth the nature thereof, designate the limits of the special assessment district to be affected and describe the lands to be assessed, finally determine the part or proportion of the cost of the public improvement to be paid by the lands specially benefitted thereby and the part or portion, if any, to be paid by the village at large for benefit to the village at large. The Council may also confirm the special assessment roll with such corrections as it may have made, if any, or may refer it back to the Assessor for revision, or may annul it or any proceedings in connection therewith. The Clerk-Treasurer shall endorse the date of confirmation upon each special assessment roll.
(1984 Code, § 1-05-080) (Ord. 41, passed 3-21-1974)