(A) The purpose of this chapter is to regulate the orderly operation of trucks on streets of the village. The primary objectives are to facilitate the transfer of goods and services by trucks to businesses and to preserve the quality of life of neighborhoods.
(B) Prime considerations involved with the purpose of this chapter are:
(1) The safety of citizens;
(2) Avoidance of unreasonable or unnecessary disturbance or reduction in property values due to truck noise, vibrations, and/or air pollution;
(3) Protection against the deterioration of those streets not designated for truck traffic; and
(4) Provide adequate truck service to businesses and residences in an expeditious manner, having due regard for economical vehicle operation.
(1984 Code, § 8-12-010)
Where density of traffic, protection of life and property, construction and condition of the roadway, or any hazardous conditions make it advisable, the direction of traffic flow, and routing of buses, trucks, and heavy vehicles, will be made by this chapter by duly posting traffic-control signs and it shall be unlawful to drive or cause to be driven, any vehicle in violation of such direction and routing.
(1984 Code, § 8-12-020) Penalty, see § 75.99
(A) The streets designated as forming the truck route system are indicated upon the village truck route map as approved from time to time by resolution of the Village Council. A copy of the village truck route map shall be available for public inspection at the Village Police Department and at the Village Hall.
(B) The village truck route map, as approved by resolution of the Village Council, together with all notations, references, or other information located thereon, are made a part of this chapter and shall have the same force and effect as if it was fully set forth or described herein. The map shall be properly attested to by the Village Clerk-Treasurer.
(1984 Code, § 8-12-030)
Motor vehicles of the restricted class as used in this chapter are defined as all motor vehicles having a weight of 14,000 pounds or more including the load therein, except vehicles carrying or designated to carry passengers, all governmentally-owned or leased vehicles, public utility vehicles, and vehicles used for private refuse handling.
(1984 Code, § 8-12-050)