A.   Criminal Citation: An animal control officer is authorized to issue a criminal citation to any person upon a charge of violating any provisions of this title. The form of the citation, and proceedings to be handled upon the basis of the citation, shall conform to the provisions of the Utah code of criminal procedure, including, without limitation, Utah Code Annotated sections 77-7-18 through 77-7-22, as amended.
   B.   Notice Of Violation In Lieu Of Criminal Citation: Where violations of this title are observed, an animal control officer may, in lieu of issuance of the criminal citation and, with the consent of the person charged with a violation, issue a notice of violation to any person. The notice of violation shall state, with reference to the pertinent sections of this title, the violation which must be remedied by the person charged and shall set forth a compliance date by which the violator must comply with the remedial requirements. It shall also set forth a waiver provision providing that the person to whom the notice of violation is issued waives all rights to contest the charge made against him/her in the notice of violation and further waives the rights to a trial or hearing upon the charges. The notice of violation shall also include the amount of an administrative and processing fee to be paid to the division by the person charged in the notice of violation. Refusal to execute the waivers defined herein, refusal and/or nonpayment of the administrative and processing fee, or failure to comply with the notice of violation and stipulation by the deadline set as the compliance date may result in the issuance of a criminal citation to the person charged. (Ord. 2012-16, 6-21-2012)