Fence posts may be set along a fence line, which is designated as the distance from the center of any highway not less than half the surveyed and platted width of the highway; no public highway in the city being regarded as surveyed and platted less than fifty feet (50') in width. It is unlawful to place or maintain any fence or building the face of which is nearer the center of any highway than the line designated as the fence line. (1999 Code)
It is unlawful to set, place or maintain any telephone, electric light or current poles, trees, mail, sign or other posts, except as provided in this chapter, upon property abutting on any public highway in the city, at a point nearer to the fence line than a line centering one foot (1') therefrom on the side farthest from the center of the highway; and it is unlawful to set or maintain any sign or other post at a point nearer the centerline than one-half foot (1/2') from the outside of the outer limit of any alley or lane. (1999 Code)
It is provided that any grant or permission hereafter given to set telephone or electric light poles upon any of the public highways in the city, shall be made subject to the reservation, whether or not the reservation is specifically set forth in the grant or permission, that wherever the city shall deem it necessary for the public good or service, the city shall have the right to place crossarms on the poles, and to string one set of wires thereon, for furnishing electric light and current to the city, and to use and operate the same during the period of such grant or permission, with reasonable regard for the rights of the grantee. (1999 Code)