   A.   Term Of Permit: Each permit application shall state the starting date and estimated completion date. Work shall be completed within thirty (30) days from the starting date or as directed by the department. The city community development director or other designee appointed by the city shall be notified by the permittee of commencement of the work at least two (2) business days prior to commencing work. The permit shall be valid for the time period specified in the permit.
   B.   Extension: If the work is not completed during such period, prior to the expiration of the permit, the permittee may apply to the department for an additional permit or an extension, which may be granted by the department for good cause shown.
   C.   Length Of Extension Subject To Approval: The length of the extension requested by the permittee shall be subject to the approval of the department in its sole discretion. (Ord. 08-18, 7-17-2008)
Permits shall not be transferable or assignable, and work shall not be performed under a permit in any place other than that specified in the permit. Nothing herein contained shall prevent a permittee from subcontracting the work to be performed under a permit; provided, however, that the holder of the permit shall be and remain responsible for the performance of the work under the permit, and for all bonding, insurance and other requirements of this chapter and under said permit. (Ord. 08-18, 7-17-2008)
   A.   Standards: The work performed in the public way shall conform to: 1) "City Of Holladay Road Cut Standards"; 2) other applicable engineering design and construction standards from time to time adopted by the department; and 3) the current edition of the "Manual On Uniform Traffic Control Devices".
   B.   Signage: Where a job site is left unattended, before completion of the work, signage with minimum two inch (2") high letters shall be attached to a barricade or otherwise posted at the site, indicating the permittee's name, or company name, local telephone number of a responsible party, and after hours local telephone number of a responsible party.
   C.   Minimum Interference; Barricades: All excavations shall be conducted in a manner resulting in a minimum amount of interference or interruption of street or pedestrian traffic. Inconvenience to residents and businesses fronting on the public way shall be minimized. Suitable, adequate and sufficient barricades and/or other structures will be available and used where necessary to prevent accidents involving property or persons. Barricades must be in place until all of the permittee's equipment is removed from the site and the excavation has been backfilled and proper temporary gravel surface is in place, except where backfilling and resurfacing is to be done by the city; in which case the barricades, together with any necessary lights, flares or torches, must remain in place until the backfill work is actually commenced by the city. From sunset to sunrise, all barricades and excavations must be clearly outlined by adequate signal lights, torches, etc. The permittee shall notify: 1) the Salt Lake County sheriff (or other law enforcement services provider for the city); 2) the unified fire authority, and any other emergency services provider for the city at least twenty four (24) hours in advance of any planned excavation requiring street closure or traffic detour. (Ord. 08-18, 7-17-2008)