All proposed amendments, supplements, changes or modifications shall not become effective, except by a favorable vote by a majority of all the City Council members. If a proposed amendment is not acted upon finally by the City Council within 90 days after the conclusion of the public hearing by the City Council, such proposed amendment shall be deemed to have been defeated and denied, unless the applicant of such amendment shall have consented to an extension of such period of time. Whenever a proposed amendment is defeated, either by vote of the City Council or by reason of the operation of this section, such amendment shall not thereafter be passed without a further public hearing and notice thereof as provided in § 11-904 of this article.
(2005 Code, § 11-905)
If a written protest against a proposed amendment shall be filed in the office of the Zoning Administrator within ten days after the conclusion of the public hearing by the City Council, which protest is duly signed by the owners of 20% or more either of the area of the lots included in such proposed change, or of those immediately adjacent on the sides and in the rear thereof extending 300 feet therefrom and of those directly opposite thereto extending 300 feet from the street frontage of such opposite lots, such amendment shall not become effective, except by the favorable vote of three-fourths of all the members of the City Council.
(2005 Code, § 11-906)
No amendment changing the zoning classification of any lot, parcel or tract of land shall be adopted unless such lot, parcel or tract has 100 feet of frontage on a public street, or has 10,000 square feet of area, or abuts on a lot, parcel or tract of land that has the same zoning classification as that which is proposed for the property which is the subject of the proposed amendments.
(2005 Code, § 11-907)
In granting an amendment to the zoning map, upon application by a property owner or his or her authorized agent, the City Council may require the dedication of additional street right-of-way where an officially adopted street plan indicates need for increased width or where the nature of the proposed development warrants increased street width, and the Council may require permanent screen strips or other devices to minimize conflict with residential land use.
(2005 Code, § 11-908)
(A) All permits, petitions, applications and appeals provided for in this chapter shall be made on forms provided for the purpose or as otherwise prescribed by the Planning Commission, Board of Zoning Adjustment or City Council in order to assure the fullest practical presentation of pertinent facts and to maintain a permanent record.
(B) All applications for building and occupancy permits shall be accompanied by plans and specifications, drawn to scale, showing the actual shape and dimensions of the lot to be used and/or built upon; the exact sizes and locations on the lot of the buildings and other structures, existing and proposed; the existing and intended use of each building, structure or part thereof; the number of families to be accommodated, if any; and such other information as is needed to determine conformance with the provisions of this chapter and of the Building Code.
(2005 Code, § 11-1002)
There shall be no building permit issued on a plot which does not consist of a platted lot or lots duly approved and recorded; except that, on ten acres or more where the use of said land is entirely for agricultural purposes, a building permit shall be issued.
(2005 Code, § 11-1003)