(A)   Enforcement officials; duties.
      (1)   Street Superintendent, duties.
         (a)   The Street Superintendent of the city, under the supervision and control of the City Manager, shall be the overseer of the streets, alleys, bridges, gutters and public grounds of the city. It is his or her duty to remove or cause to be removed all waste matter and substances, and all obstructions from the streets, avenues, alleys and public grounds of the city, and to see that all streets, avenues, alleys, bridges and culverts are kept in a good state of repair and in good condition, and to perform such duties as may be imposed upon him or her by the Mayor and Council of the city.
         (b)   The Street Superintendent shall be the lawful custodian of all street tools, apparatus, implements, machinery, graders and other property or thing belonging to or used by him or her or his or her department, and shall be responsible therefor to the city, and shall account for and turn over the same to his or her successor.
      (2)   City Engineer.
         (a)   The office of City Engineer is hereby created and established. The Engineer shall be appointed by the City Manager with the approval of the City Council. He or she shall serve at the will and pleasure of the Mayor and Council and shall receive such compensation as the Mayor and Council shall provide.
         (b)   It is the duty of the City Engineer to prepare and keep on file in his or her office suitable and complete maps and blueprints of:
            1.   The additions, annexations and disconnections of territory to the city as the same may have been made or may hereafter be made. Such maps shall include the original townsite;
            2.   The waterworks system, showing the location and size of all water lines, fire hydrants, manholes, main valves and public hydrants or troughs;
            3.   The storm and sanitary sewer system mains, submains and laterals and their size and elevation, including the established location for taps, manholes, catch basins and other equipment; and
            4.   Sidewalks, crossings, curb and street grades and the datum plane.
         (c)   It is the duty of the City Engineer to prepare specifications, plans, blueprints and maps for sidewalk construction, paving and other street improvements. In connection with the same, he or she shall submit estimates of cost of such construction or repairs as the case may be as required by law or as ordered by the Mayor and Council.
         (d)   The Street Commissioner, after consultation with the city inspector, shall approve all permits for the repair or construction of sidewalks, curbs, paving, bridges, culverts and crossings. He or she shall perform such other duties in connection with the same as are now or may hereafter be required of him or her by ordinance or the Mayor and Council.
         (e)   The City Engineer shall prepare and keep in his or her office at all times an inventory of all property of the city in his or her possession or which may come into his or her possession. He or she shall make a report at the last regular meeting in June of each year in which he or she shall show a complete invoice of all property of the city coming into his or her possession and a statement showing the condition of the same. He or she shall perform such other duties as are now or may hereafter be required of him or her by the Mayor and Council.
   (B)   Council determine and direct work.
      (1)   The City Council may determine and direct when and upon what streets, avenues and alleys all labor shall be performed, and the manner and price to be paid for labor therefor, and may determine and direct all improvements and repairs thereon, and the material to be used and the price to be paid for the same.
      (2)   The Street Superintendent, however, shall be under the supervision and control of the City Manager.
   (C)   Placing guards, signals near excavations, obstructions. It is the duty to see that proper and suitable guards and signals are placed about excavations, or other dangerous obstructions in any street, avenue, alley, sidewalk or public grounds within the city.
(Prior Code, § 7-1-1)