(A)   It shall be unlawful for any person, partnership or corporation to keep, harbor, own or have in their possession, at any one time, more than ten dogs or ten cats or ten poultry animals inside the city. Except at such times that one or all of the above mentioned animals shall have a litter of puppies or kittens. As soon as these litters are old enough to be weaned from their mothers, they shall be sold, given away or in some humane manner be removed from the premises, so that the number of legal animals are kept.
   (B)   A person, partnership or corporation may keep, harbor, own or have in their possession more than the aforementioned number of dogs only in the event that they register with the state as a dog kennel or shelter and fulfill all the requirements of licensing and maintaining a dog kennel or shelter pursuant to 4 O.S.
(Prior Code, § 5-4-15) (Ord. 845, passed 6-16-2015) Penalty, see § 98.99