(A)   Privilege granted.
      (1)   Water skiers’ privileges shall be granted on Lake Holdenville, only under the terms and conditions prescribed in this section, and the city assumes no responsibility for such activities.
      (2)   The privilege of water skiing on Lake Holdenville will be automatically revoked upon the second violation of any provision of this section.
   (B)   Restrictions.
      (1)   No skiers shall be permitted on the lake between one hour after sunset and one hour before sunrise.
      (2)   Skiing outside the designated area shall be unlawful.
      (3)   No more than two skiers are to be pulled by any one boat at any time except on designated special occasions, such as water carnivals and other special events.
      (4)   It is unlawful for any person to manipulate water skis, surfboards or similar devices unless the person being towed is wearing a coast guard approved flotation device.
      (5)   No boat shall operate on Lake Holdenville while pulling skiers unless such boat possesses a rear view mirror, or unless there is another individual behind the operator of the boat above 12 years of age.
   (C)   Required pattern, takeoff. Skiers will use a counterclockwise pattern at all times. Ski takeoffs will be permitted from any point within the designated ski area, except in the immediate vicinity of the boat launching ramp and the lake tower.
   (D)   Other skiing safety rules.
      (1)   Tow ropes must be pulled in immediately after a skier has dropped off, regardless of the circumstances.
      (2)   No person shall drop a ski on the lake unless there is another boat present and available to pick it up immediately, for the safety of other skiers.
(Prior Code, § 7-5-15)