Nuisances; Generally
   91.01   Nuisances defined
   91.02   Responsibility; nuisance unlawful
   91.03   Time does not legalize
   91.04   Remedies
   91.05   Power to define and summarily abate nuisances
   91.06   Certain public nuisances defined
   91.07   Health nuisances; abatement
   91.08   Toilet facilities required; nuisance
   91.09   Summary abatement of nuisances
   91.10   Abatement by suit in district court
   91.11   Procedures cumulative
   91.12   Dilapidated structures
   91.13   Boarding and securing unsecured buildings
   91.14   Orders to vacate premises
Trash and Weeds
   91.25   Definitions
   91.26   Enforcement; appeal; assessing costs
   91.27   Accumulation of trash or weeds
   91.28   Reports of accumulations on property
   91.29   Hearing and notice
   91.30   Work done by city or contract
   91.31   Determination, assessment of cost for structural removal
   91.32   Lien on property; civil remedy
   91.33   Service of notices
   91.34   Abandoned iceboxes or refrigerators
   91.35   Rubbish deposits
   91.36   Removal of dead animals
   91.37   Burning trash and debris within city limits
   91.38   Abatement of unsightly condition of premises
   91.50   Definitions
   91.51   Litter deposits
   91.52   Use of receptacles
   91.53   Sweeping litter into gutters
   91.54   Vehicle loads causing litter
   91.55   Distributing handbills
   91.99   Penalty