(A)   Discharge of firearms, bow and arrow. It is unlawful to discharge any firearm around or on the lake, except under the following conditions.
      (1)   Duck hunting will be allowed during the annual duck season as established by federal regulations.
      (2)   Quail hunting will be allowed during the annual quail season as established by state regulations.
      (3)   Squirrel hunting will be allowed by shotgun or bow and arrow only during the annual squirrel season as established by state regulations.
      (4)   Deer hunting will be allowed with bow and arrow only, in state regulated season and with proper license.
      (5)   The lake superintendent shall have the authority to authorize skeet and turkey shoots.
      (6)   The lake superintendent may also authorize such licensed persons as he or she may deem fit to use firearms in the destruction of turtles, beavers and snakes around the lakes, to protect water quality, public safety and fishing areas.
   (B)   Use during activities. The use of rifles or pistols is expressly prohibited in any activity unless authorized by the lake superintendent under this section.
(Prior Code, § 7-5-6) Penalty, see § 92.99