(A)   Garbage.
      (1)   No garbage or other trash shall be dumped or placed in the lake, or on the lake, or the adjacent land belonging to the city.
      (2)   All garbage shall be placed in containers provided by the city.
   (B)   Unused bait; animal flesh. No person shall throw into, or permit to enter the lake, or place, throw or deposit upon the premises surrounding the lake any unused bait, flesh of animals or fish, or other matter subject to putrefaction, or any human or animal excreta, or any other unsanitary or unsightly thing.
   (C)   Glass containers. There shall be no glass containers permitted upon the Holdenville Lake or lake property. Glass food containers will be permitted, but must be removed when leaving the lake property.
(Prior Code, § 7-5-2) (Ord. 577, passed 6-7-1994) Penalty, see § 92.99