A.   A wireless radio receiver is required in all buildings requiring a fire alarm system. All fire alarm systems shall be installed, maintained and inspected by all building owners and occupants pursuant to the Fire Prevention Ordinance, NFPA 72, NFPA 101, the International Building Code, the International Fire Code and applicable Municipal codes and ordinances. The Village shall be an all signal community. Owners and occupants of buildings equipped with a fire alarm system shall use a licensed alarm company to cause all fire, trouble and supervisory signals to be promptly conveyed via a remote supervising stations at the Pleasantview Fire Protection District dispatch facility. The Pleasantview Fire Protection District shall be notified of the name and contact information with respect to the licensed alarm company and the termination or change of any such licensed alarm company within seventy two (72) hours from cancellation or disconnection. The Pleasantview Fire Protection District will verify the fire alarm control panel and radio transmitter can send the following signals: alarm, supervisory and trouble. These signals shall be automatically transmitted to the remote supervising station in accordance with International Building Code, International Fire Code, NFPA 72, NFPA 101 and the local ordinances and amendments. A burglar alarm system cannot be connected to the fire alarm control unit.
   B.   Owners and occupants of all buildings containing a fire alarm system shall provide annual and periodic testing in accordance with the provisions of the currently adopted edition of NFPA 72 and the ordinances of the Village and the Pleasantview Fire Protection District. The results of all required test shall be recorded and shall be provided to the Pleasantview Fire Protection District as part of the annual fire alarm system compliance verification. (Ord. 19-05, 6-4-2019)