A.   Bond: Before the superintendent shall issue a street obstruction permit, the applicant for such permit shall file with the clerk, on a form to be furnished by the village and approved by the village attorney, a bond in the penal sum of not less than one thousand dollars ($1,000.00) and conditioned to indemnify, save and keep harmless the village from any and all loss, costs, expense or liability of any kind whatsoever to which the village may suffer or be put, or which may be recovered therefrom by reason of the issuance of such permit, or by reason of any act or thing done or neglected to be done, under or by virtue of the authority given in such permit. An annual bond may be given to cover street obstruction permits.
   B.   Permit Fee And Deposit: The fee to be paid to the village for a street occupation permit desired in connection with any work governed by this chapter shall be one dollar ($1.00) for each month for each one foot (1') or fractional part thereof of frontage so occupied. In addition to such permit fee, a deposit shall be required to ensure the safety of the street and its complete restoration, of not less than ten dollars ($10.00) per foot. Upon the removal of such obstruction, so much (if any) of said deposit as shall be necessary to restore said street shall be retained by the village, and the remainder of said deposit shall then be returned to the depositor; provided, however, that nothing herein contained shall preclude the village from maintaining an action against the person to recover the damage done to any street or sidewalk. (1985 Code § 7-2-9; amd. 2016 Code)