A.   Penalty; Citation:
      1.   Any person who violates any provision of this title, unless a different penalty is provided under another section of this title, shall be subject to the penalty provisions and citation procedures set out in section 1-4-4 of this code.
      2.   The health officer or deputy health officer is hereby authorized to follow the citation procedures, including the fines therein enumerated, for any violation of any provision of this code or other ordinances heretofore enacted or hereafter enacted, the violation of which may affect the public health of the village.
   B.   Revocation Of License: The village president may, upon the certification of a health officer that a business has violated the provisions of this title and that the health of the public is being endangered by the maintenance or conduct of said business, revoke any license given to said business under any provisions of this code or any other ordinances of the village. The revocation procedures set forth in section 4-1-9 of this code shall be applicable herein, including notice procedures.
   C.   Closing Premises: The health officer or deputy health officer may close any premises when, in his judgment, the public health and safety are jeopardized. The situation of fact as determined by him is hereby declared to be a public nuisance, and the premises shall remain closed until the public health hazard is removed or corrected and the nuisance abated. To effect these purposes, he may give notices to correct the same within a definite period of time before closing the premises. In the event the village corrects the violation, the cost of the same shall be reimbursed to the village by the owner, lessor, lessee, occupant or one in possession of the premises, and the village shall have a lien as provided for in state law. (1985 Code § 4-1-4)