General Provisions
33.001 Title
33.002 Findings
33.003 Purpose and authority
33.004 Definitions
Standards of Conduct
33.015 Conflicts of interest in general
33.016 Conflicts of interest in contracts
33.017 Incompatible offices
33.018 Withdrawal from participation
33.019 Receipt of gifts
33.020 Use of city property, equipment and personnel
33.021 Representation of interests before city government
33.022 Misuse of confidential information
33.023 Political solicitation
33.024 Patronage
33.025 Outside employment
33.026 Post-employment restriction
33.027 Fees and honoraria
33.028 Endorsements
33.029 Complicity with or knowledge of others’ violations
33.030 Falsely impugning reputation
33.031 Meeting attendance
33.032 Nepotism
Financial Disclosure
33.045 Who must file
33.046 When to file statements; amended statements
33.047 Form of statement of financial interests
33.048 Control and maintenance of statements of financial interests
33.049 Contents of financial interest statements
33.050 Non-compliance with filing requirement
Ethics Commission
33.065 Created
33.066 Alternate members
33.067 Facilities and staff
33.068 Initial meeting
33.069 Powers and duties
33.070 Training and education
33.071 Annual reports; review
33.072 Filing and investigation of complaints
33.073 Notice of hearings
33.074 Hearing procedure
33.075 Appeals
33.076 Limitation of actions
33.077 Advisory opinions
33.078 Reprisals against persons disclosing violations prohibited
33.999 Penalty