(A)   General description. The purpose of the I-L, Light Industrial District, is to provide a location for industries which do not by their nature create nuisances. The intent is to preserve this land for industry in a location beneficial to industries and to prohibit nonindustrial uses. Because of the traffic generated and other potentially objectionable influences created in this district, a buffer or setback area between this district and any other zoning district except I-H is required.
(Prior Code, § 12-275)
   (B)   Standards. Any use constructed, established, altered, or enlarged in the I-L, Light Industrial District, after the effective date of this chapter shall be so operated as to comply with the following standards:
      (1)   No building shall be used for residential purposes, except that a watchperson may reside on the premises;
      (2)   No retail sales or services shall be permitted except as incidental to or accessory to a permitted use;
      (3)   No noise, either continuous or intermittent, from any operation conducted on the premises, other than that emanating from vehicular traffic, shall be detectable at any boundary line of the I-L District;
      (4)   No toxic matter; noxious matter, smoke, gas, or odorous or particulate matter shall be emitted that is detectable beyond the lot lines of the lot on which the use is located;
      (5)   No vibrations shall be detectable beyond the lot lines of the lot on which the use is located;
      (6)   Exterior lighting fixtures shall be shaded wherever necessary to avoid casting direct light upon property located in any residential district;
      (7)   The manufacture of flammable materials which produce explosive vapors or gases is prohibited;
      (8)   No outside storage of equipment and material, except equipment in daily use, shall be permitted in such a location where it can be viewed from any public street; and
      (9)   Any operation that produces intense glare or heat shall be performed within a completely enclosed building, and exposed sources of light shall be screened so as not to be detectable beyond the lot lines.
(Prior Code, § 12-276)
   (C)   Uses permitted. Within the I-L Light Industrial District, the following uses are permitted:
      (1)   Building materials sales;
      (2)   Commercial radio and television transmitting antenna towers and other electronic equipment requiring outdoor towers, including antenna towers for the dispatching of private messages;
      (3)   Compounding, processing, and blending of chemical products, but not including any materials which decompose by detonation;
      (4)   General and administrative offices;
      (5)   Machine shops and metal products manufacture and tool and die shops, provided they do not include any of the following equipment:
         (a)   Automatic screw machines;
         (b)   Drop forges; or
         (c)   Riveting machines.
      (6)   Mail-order houses;
      (7)   Manufacturing and assembling (or any combination of such processes) of products from wood, cork, glass, leather, fur, plastic, felt, and other textiles, but not including as a principal operation the processing of any raw materials;
      (8)   Manufacturing and assembling of electrical and electronic products and equipments;
      (9)   Printing and binding plants;
      (10)   Research laboratories;
      (11)   Warehouse and storage facilities;
      (12)   Water filtration plants, pumping stations, reservoirs, and lift stations;
      (13)   Any other manufacturing process or establishment except those permitted in § 155.088(C); and
      (14)   Accessory uses incidental to and on the same zoning lot as a principal use.
(Prior Code, § 12-277)
   (D)   Area and height regulations.
      (1)   The following regulations apply:
         (a)   Minimum lot area: None;
         (b)   Minimum lot frontage: None;
         (c)   Maximum percent coverage: 40%;
         (d)   Maximum height: None;
         (e)   Minimum front yard setback: 50 feet; and
         (f)   Minimum side yard setback: 50 feet (minimum of two feet of setback for each one foot of height when adjacent to residential district).
      (2)   More specifically, these regulations as described below:
         (a)   There are no area requirements in an I-L District;
         (b)   There are no lot frontage requirements in an I-L District;
         (c)   Not more than 40% of the lot area shall be covered with improvements. Paved areas are not considered improvements within the meaning of this provision;
         (d)   There are no height requirements in an I-L District;
         (e)   No structure shall be erected, commenced, or maintained which has a front yard of less than 50 feet;
         (f)   When adjacent to a residential district, a side yard of 50 feet or two feet for each one foot of height, whichever is greater, shall be provided; and
         (g)   When adjacent to a residential district, a rear yard of 50 feet or two feet for each one foot of height, whichever is greater, shall be provided.
(Prior Code, § 12-278)
   (E)   Signs and billboards. All signs and billboards in the I-L District shall conform to the requirements in § 155.085(D) of this chapter.
(Prior Code, § 12-279)
(Ord. 1020, passed 1-15-1970) Penalty, see § 155.999