(A)   Where a site for a proposed park, playground, playfield, school, library, fire station, or other public use is proposed by the official city plan, or is deemed by the Planning Commission to be necessary, and is located in whole or in part in a subdivision, the Planning Commission may require the reservation of such area within the subdivision.
   (B)   The developer shall give the public agency involved 60 days’ written notice of the proposed subdivision, with a copy of such notice to be mailed to the Planning Commission. During the 60-day period, the agency may or may not express its interest in the proposed subdivision in connection with the provision of appropriate public site. Should such interest be expressed, that agency shall have a period of an additional 30 days within which to arrange for the acquisition of the public site under consideration.
   (C)   Where the proposed subdivision is too small to provide space of suitable size for the public site intended, the site provided may be combined with that provided or to be provided in adjoining areas; thus, in the aggregate, there will be provided a site of suitable size for the purpose intended.
(Prior Code, § 12-422) Penalty, see § 154.999