(A)   No building or other structure shall be built, enlarged, altered, or moved without a building permit as required by the building code and issued by the Code Enforcement Officer as follows:
      (1)   Whenever changes to a building or other structure alter the outside appearance;
      (2)   Whenever changes will amount to more than $1,000 in cost; or
      (3)   Whenever a building or structure is to be moved from without the city to a location within the city or from one location in the city to another location within the city.
   (B)   A person desiring a building permit shall submit an application therefor to the Code Enforcement Officer. The applicant shall submit with the application such reasonable information as the Code Enforcement Officer may require to enable him or her to determine whether granting the permit would be in accordance with the requirements of the ordinances of the city. Up to five days should be allowed for the issuance of the permit.
   (C)   If the application is in accordance with the requirements of the ordinances and laws, the Code Enforcement Officer shall issue the permit upon the payment by the applicant of a building permit fee which may be set by motion or resolution of the City Council. A current copy of the fee schedule shall be kept in the office of the City Clerk.
   (D)   A building permit must be renewed if the project is not completed six months from the date of issue.
(Prior Code, § 5-106) (Ord. 97-1119, passed 2-11-1997; Ord. 08-04, passed 5-12-2008) Penalty, see § 150.999