(A) Every pawnbroker shall keep records on forms approved by the Police Department, upon which shall be entered and legibly written in ink, in the English language, at the time of each loan, receipt, or purchase of personal property, an accurate account and complete description, to include:
(1) Model and serial numbers as well as any identifying marks, of the goods, articles, or things pawned, purchased, or received;
(2) The number of the pawn ticket given to the pledger;
(3) The time and date redeemable;
(4) The time and date of pawning, receiving, or purchasing such goods, articles, or things;
(5) The name, residence, age, sex, and race of the pledger or seller; and
(6) Such other information as might be required by the Chief of Police.
(B) No entry on the forms shall be erased, obliterated, or defaced. The records, as well as every article or thing pawned, pledged, or deposited, or purchased, shall be open to the inspection of any police officer of the city.
(Prior Code, § 9-511) Penalty, see § 110.99
Every pawnbroker or pawnshop keeper in the city must, before the hour of 12:00 p.m. noon of every day except Sunday make and deliver to the Chief of Police or to the front desk at the Police Department one copy of the records described in § 117.09 of this code covering each article or thing pawned or received by such pawnbroker or pawnshop keeper during the 24-hour period ending as of the next previous midnight. The report made on each Monday shall include all articles or things pawned or received from and after the report made and delivered on the Saturday preceding. If no article or thing has been pawned or received, a report must be made to that effect.
(Prior Code, § 9-512) Penalty, see § 110.99
(A) Every pawnbroker shall provide a safe place for keeping of the pledges received by him or her and shall have sufficient insurance on the property held in pledge, for the benefit of the pledgers, in case of destruction by fire or other catastrophe.
(B) All persons, firms, or corporations engaged in the business of pawnbrokers are hereby required to hold separate and apart, for a period of three days, all goods or chattels purchased (except purchases made directly from wholesalers or manufacturers) before mixing with other goods already in stock in such establishment.
(Prior Code, § 9-513) Penalty, see § 110.99
The pawnbroker shall retain in his or her possession every pledge or pawn for a period of not less than 30 days after the last payment of interest. If the pledger fails or neglects to redeem the pawned property, or payment of interest is not made within the 30 days, the pawnbroker may sell any such property held for redemption.
(Prior Code, § 9-514)
Prior to the expiation of the redemption period, no property received in pledge by any pawnbroker shall be removed from his or her place of business, except when redeemed by the owner thereof, or confiscated by any police officer, when an item is actually stolen property and will be used as evidence. If any police officer of the city shall put a hold on any article, goods, or things that have been pawned or pledged, the pawnbroker or pawnshop keeper shall not release or resell the articles, goods, or things until the Police Department has released the items.
(Prior Code, § 9-515) Penalty, see § 110.99
No pawnbroker shall employ any clerk or person under the age of 18 years to receive any pledge or make any loan.
(Prior Code, § 9-516) Penalty, see § 110.99
(A) No pawnbroker, pawnshop keeper, or his or her servant or employee shall receive any goods, articles, or things in pawn or pledge from, or purchase from, or advance money upon any thing or article of value to, or have any dealings respecting the title of property in the possession of, any person under the age of 18 years without the written consent of the parents or guardian of such person.
(B) No pawnbroker, pawnshop keeper, or his or her servant or employee shall purchase, take, or receive in pledge or by gift or on deposit, or accept possession of any article of property of or from any intoxicated person, from any person appearing to be under the influence of intoxicating liquors or drugs, from any person who is known as an habitual user of drugs of any kind, or from any person who is known to have been previously convicted of a felony.
(Prior Code, § 9-517) Penalty, see § 110.99