It shall be unlawful for any person to operate or maintain a beer and/or wine-tasting garden except in continuous conformity with the following regulations.
   (A)   A sign shall be posted at the entrance to the beer and/or wine-tasting garden notifying the public that no person under the age of 21 will be allowed in the garden, and that the beer may not be taken out of the garden and must be consumed in specified area as described in the permit.
   (B)   Signs shall be posted at the ingress/egress points of the garden indicating the allowed consumption area.
   (C)   No beer and/or wine-tasting garden may operate between the hours of 12:00 a.m. and 9:59 a.m. of the following day.
   (D)   All electrical wiring shall comply with applicable electrical codes.
   (E)   All beverages shall be sold or dispensed in non-glass containers. All combustible rubbish shall be stored in noncombustible covered trash receptacles.
   (F)   Each beer and/or wine-tasting garden, while in operation, shall be conducted in conformance with all applicable city, county, and state laws regulating the dispensing and consumption of low-point beer, and the tasting of wine, plus all other applicable laws and ordinances.
   (G)   The permit issued pursuant to this chapter shall be kept on the premises of the beer and/or wine-tasting garden during all hours of operation and shall be made available for inspection upon request of law enforcement authorities of the city.
(Prior Code, § 3-404) (Ord. 10-10, passed 5-10-2010) Penalty, see § 111.99