Any merchants, businesses, or persons within the city are hereby granted permission to plant and grow trees in the sidewalks of the city under the following rules and conditions.
   (A)   Any person desiring to plant and grow trees in the sidewalks of the city shall submit a written request to the Mayor and City Council for permission to do so. The application shall contain a drawing showing the exact location of where trees are to be planted and the variety of tree to be planted.
   (B)   It is the duty and responsibility of the applicant to bear the total expense of the cutting of the sidewalk, which shall be done in a manner as approved by the Mayor and City Council, planting of the trees and the care and pruning of the trees in the future.
   (C)   Any person, firm, or business attempting to plant a tree in the sidewalk within the city, without the express prior approval of the Mayor and City Council, shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and each day in violation thereof will be a separate offense.
   (D)   Any applicant planting a tree in the sidewalk of the city, shall maintain and prune the tree. If the tree is not pruned and taken care of in a proper manner, then the city shall have the power to properly care for or prune the tree and may tax the cost thereof on the water bill of the applicant.
(Prior Code, § 14-119) (Ord. 1069, passed 4-28-1981) Penalty, see § 96.99