(A)   In addition to other public nuisances declared by other sections of this code or law, the following are hereby declared to be public nuisances:
      (1)   The sale or offering for sale of unwholesome food or drink; or the keeping of a place where such sales or offerings are made;
      (2)   The sale, offering for sale, or furnishing of intoxicating liquor in violation of the state law or ordinances of the city; or keeping of a place where intoxicating liquor is sold, offered for sale, or furnished in violation of the state law or ordinance of the city;
      (3)   The exposure, display, sale, or distribution of obscene pictures, books, pamphlets, magazines, papers, documents, or objects; or the keeping of a place where such are exposed, displayed, sold, or distributed;
      (4)   The keeping of a place where persons gamble, whether by cards, slot machines, punchboards, or otherwise;
      (5)   The keeping of a place where prostitution, illicit sexual intercourse, or other immoral acts are practiced;
      (6)   The keeping of a place where activities in violation of state law or ordinance are practiced or carried on;
      (7)   The conduct or holding of public dances in violation of the ordinances of the city; or the keeping of a place where such dances are held;
      (8)   The public exposure of a person having a contagious disease;
      (9)   The continued making of loud or unusual noises which annoy persons or ordinary sensibilities; or the keeping of an animal which makes such noises;
      (10)   The operation or use of any electrical apparatus or machine which materially or unduly interferes with radio or television reception by others;
      (11)   Any use of a street or sidewalk or a place adjacent thereto which causes crowds of people to gather so as to obstruct traffic on such street or sidewalk, or which otherwise obstructs traffic thereon, except as may be authorized by law or ordinance;
      (12)   Permitting water or other liquid to flow or fall, or ice or snow to fall, from any building or structure upon any street or sidewalk;
      (13)   All wells, pools, cisterns, bodies, or containers of water in which mosquitoes breed or are likely to breed, or which are so constructed, formed, conditioned, or situated as to endanger the public safety;
      (14)   Rank weeds or grass, carcasses, accumulations of manure, refuse, or other things which are, or are likely to be, breeding places for flies, mosquitoes, vermin, or disease germs; and the premises on which such exist;
      (15)   Any building or structure which is dangerous to the public health or safety because of damage, decay, or other condition;
      (16)   Any pit, hole, or other thing which is so constructed, formed, conditioned, or situated as to endanger the public safety;
      (17)   Any fire or explosion hazard which endangers the public safety;
      (18)   Any occupation or activity which endangers the public peace, health, morals, safety, or welfare;
      (19)   Any motor vehicle (whether in operating condition or not) or any trailer without a current vehicle plate as required by law for vehicles used on the public highways, when stored or kept in a residence district;
      (20)   Any stable or other place where animals are kept that may become obnoxious or annoying to any resident of the city, by reason of any noise or noises made by the animal therein, or by reason of lack of sanitation, is hereby declared to be a nuisance;
      (21)   The keeping of any dog kennels within this city for the breeding and raising of dogs that shall become offensive or annoying to the public by reason of the barking and noise made by the animals therein contained;
      (22)   Any vault, cesspool, or sink used to receive human excrement, slops, garbage, refuse, or other filthy substance;
      (23)   Any pond, slop, trash, refuse, cobs, manure, decayed or decaying vegetable matter, left, kept, or maintained in such condition as to endanger the public health;
      (24)   Every privy or water closet which shall be in an overflowing, leaking, or filthy condition, or in a condition dangerous, injurious or annoying to the comfort, health, and welfare of any resident of this city;
      (25)   Any green or unsalted hides of any animal kept in any exposed or open place within the limits of this city;
      (26)   Any unclean, foul, leaking, or broken or defective ditch, drain, gutter, slop, garbage, or manure barrel, box, or other receptacle;
      (27)   Every building or other structure that shall become unsafe and dangerous from fire, decay, and other cause, or shall become hazardous from fire, by reason of age, decay, or construction, location, or other cause, or shall be detrimental to the health, safety, or welfare of this city or its inhabitants from any cause; and
      (28)   Any water or putrid substances, whether animal or vegetable, to accumulate so as to cause an offensive odor to be emitted therefrom, or to become in a condition injurious or dangerous to the health of the neighborhood.
   (B)   The above enumeration of certain public nuisances shall be cumulative and not limit other provisions of law or ordinances defining public or private nuisances either in more general or more specific terms.
(Prior Code, § 8-307) Penalty, see § 93.999