State of Illinois
Du Page County
}SS. In County Court,
In Probate,
   March Term, A. D. 1873.
   PLEAS before the Honorable M.C. Dudley, County Judge of the County of Du Page, in the State of Illinois, and Presiding Judge of the County Court, in and for the said County, in the State aforesaid, at a Term thereof, begun and held for the despatch of Probate business at the Court House in the Village of Wheaton, in said County, on the Third Monday (being the 17th day) of March in the year of our Lord One Thousand Eight Hundred and Seventy-three, and of the Independence of the United States the Ninety-seventh.
   Honorable M. C. Dudley, County Judge,
   J.   J. Cole, Clerk,
John Kline, Sheriff.
   Attest: J. J. Cole, Clerk.
   Be it remembered, that heretofore to-wit: on the third day of April, A. D. 1873, the same being one of the days of the March Term, A. D. 1873, of said Court, the following among other proceedings was had and entered of record in said Court, in the words and figures following, to-wit:
In the Matter of the Petition of Voters of Hinsdale to organize as a Village under the General Law.
}Petition for
Organizing Village of Hinsdale & Statement of Result of Election held.
   Petition for the organization of certain Territory therein described as an Incorporated Village under the General Law for the Incorporation of Cities & Villages. Approved April 10, 1872, having been heretofore filed in the Office of the County Clerk of said Du Page County, and proceedings had under the Statutes above mentioned.
   Therefore, It is ordered by the Court that said proposed Village with the boundaries described in the Petition therefor shall be deemed an Organized Village under the name and style of HINSDALE, and that said Petition with the Statement of the Result of the Election be entered of record and they are as follows, to-wit:
   To his Honor, the County Judge of DuPage County:
   Your Petitioners humbly praying represent unto your Honor that they are legal voters and residents within the following described limits, to-wit:
   Commencing at the South East corner of Section One (1) of Township Thirty-eight (38) North of Range Eleven (11), East of Third (3) Principal Meridian in said County of DuPage
and State of Illinois; thence North on the East line of said Section one (1) to the half (1/2) section stake in said East line; thence West on the East and West center line of said Section one (1) to the West line thereof; thence West on the East and West center lines of Section Two (2) one hundred and twenty rods(120); thence south on a line parallel with the East line of said Section two (2) to the South line thereof; thence South in the same course to point forty rods (40) North of South line of Section (11) Eleven; thence East parallel with South line of Section Eleven (11) and Twelve (12) to the East line of said Section Twelve (12); thence North on the East line of said Section Twelve (12) to the place of beginning. That there are within said prescribed limits five hundred inhabitants; that said territory is not included within the limits of any incorporated town, village or city; that your petitioners desire the inhabitants of said territory incorporated under the General Laws of this State into a Village corporation under the name and style of HINSDALE.
   Therefore your Petitioners humbly pray that you will cause the question to be submitted to the Legal Voters of said Territory whether they will be incorporated into a Village Corporation under the General Laws of this State or not.
   And your petitioners will ever pray–Dated this first day of August, 1872.
Wm. Whitney   Joel Tiffany   Robt. S. Slocum
David Roth   John Bohlander   Caroline P. Fiske
W.W. Wood   B.F. Deming   F.A. Doolittle
H.L. Estabrook   William Robbins   D.L. Perry
C.P. Clark   A.A. Mann   M.A. Donohue
John Parker   E. Sawyer   E.P. Hindes
J.W. Wilcox   Isaac L. Hindes   C.P. Frye
Geo. H. Wells   H.R. Thompson   A.A. Lincoln
Windser Leland   L. Bush   F. Bascomb
L.E. Gifford   T.B. Clark   M.H. Middleton
   W.   McCredie   N.H. Warren   Anson Ayres
C.H. Hudson   Barney Ferrill   John F. Stuart
         T.E. Donergan
   Statement of the result of an Election held at the Depot of the Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Railroad Company in Hinsdale, Town of Downers Grove, County of DuPage and State of Illinois, on Saturday the twenty-ninth day of March, A. D. 1873, at which Election the question was submitted to the Legal Voters resident within the limits of the Territory proposed to be incorporated whether they organize as a Village under the General Law under the name and style of HINSDALE.
   For Village Organization under the General Law Received Sixty votes;
   Against organization under the General Law received two votes;
   Whole number of votes cast at said Election, Sixty-two.
   Majority of votes cast for Village Organization under the General Law, Fifty- eight.
   We the undersigned Justices of the Peace of the County of DuPage and State of Illinois were this day called to the assistance of the County Judge of said County and the Poll Book for the aforesaid Election was opened and the foregoing statement of the result made in our presence.
   Witness our hands and seals at Naperville in said County this 1st day of April A. D. 1873.
      James J. Hunt, J. P.   (Seal)
      Eli Rich, J. P.   (Seal)
State of Illinois
Du Page County
{ SS.
   I, Myron C. Dudley, County Judge within & for said county and State aforesaid, do certify that the foregoing is a correct statement of the result of said Election on the question submitted, and I further certify that a majority of the votes cast at said Election is for Village Organization under the General Law, therefore said proposed Village within the boundaries and name mentioned in the Petition on file in the County Clerk's Office shall from henceforth be deemed an organized Village under an Act entitled An Act to provide for the incorporation of Cities and Villages. In force July 1st, A. D. 1872.
   Witness my hand and seal at Naperville in said County, this 1st day of April, A. D. 1873.
      M. C. Dudley, County Judge   (Seal)
   I, H. F. Lawrence, Clerk of the County Court of DuPage County, in the State aforesaid, and keeper of the records and papers of said court, do hereby certify the above and foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of the record of the proceedings in the matter of the organization of the Village of Hinsdale, lately pending in said Court, on the Probate side thereof.
   In Witness Whereof, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said Court, at Wheaton, this 13th day of September, A.D. 1901.
   (SEAL)   H. F. Lawrence, Clerk.
   No. 74760 Filed for Record September 17, 1901, 8 A. M. in Miscellaneous Book 3, page 132.
   T. M. Hull, Recorder.