A. Reference to Code: Any addition or amendments to this Code, when passed in such form as to indicate the intention of the President and Board of Trustees to make the same a part of this Code shall be deemed to be incorporated herein so that a reference to the Municipal Code of Hinsdale shall be understood to include them. (1965 Code, sec. 29-2.01)
B. Penalties: In case of amendment of any section of this Code containing the provisions for which a penalty is provided in another section, the penalty so provided in such section shall be held to relate to the amended section or the amending section without re-enacting the penalty in the amendatory ordinance. (5-18-71)
C. Recording Amendments: It shall be the duty of the Village Clerk to keep at least one copy of the Municipal Code of Hinsdale which he shall mark in the following manner: Whenever any ordinance which amends or makes an addition to the Code is passed and approved, he shall note on the margin of the section or sections amended that such amendment has been made, with a reference to the place in the amendment book, hereinafter described where the amendment may be found, and in the case of an addition, he shall mark in the appropriate place a notation that such addition has been made, with a similar reference to the aforementioned amendment book where such additions may be found.
The Village Clerk shall also keep a separate book containing every amendment or addition passed to this Code, with a reference on each copy of such amendment or addition as to the place in the record of ordinances where the original corresponding ordinance may be found.
The above mentioned records shall be kept in addition to the record of ordinances which the Village Clerk is required to keep by Statute. (1965 Code, sec. 29-2.03)