A.   For the purposes of this Title, "subdivision" shall mean and include:
      1.   Any change, rearrangement or resubdivision in the boundary or divisional lines of any parcel or parcels of real estate or of any public thoroughfare; or
      2.   The platting of a parcel or tract of land into a single numbered lot without alteration of its boundaries; or
      3.   A planned development as defined in this Code or the Hinsdale zoning code; or
      4.   A development as now or hereafter defined in this Code.
   B.   For the purposes of this Title, "development" shall mean and include:
      1.   Construction of new building(s) or structure(s) having a total floor area in excess of five hundred (500) square feet on any parcel of land; or
      2.   Expansion by more than twenty five percent (25%) of an existing structure to which this Title would apply if constructed new; or
      3.   Construction on any parcel of land that will create more than three (3) parking spaces; provided, however, that no such activity that also involves a subdivision under subsection A of this Section shall be deemed a development for the purposes of the administration of this Chapter.
The term "development" shall not include the construction, alteration or remodeling of one single- family dwelling unit on one lot. (Ord. O99-19, 4-20-1999)