All new buildings and structures in the Village shall be of an architectural design suitable for a good suburban community. No permit shall be issued for any new building or structure or for an improvement to an existing building or structure which is of such architectural design that the same is manifestly inferior or so radically different as to impair marketability or property values of existing buildings or structures in the same immediate vicinity. All exposed exterior walls and exposed portions of exterior walls of each new building or structure shall have the same materials or architecturally harmonious materials. Single-family residences located adjacent to each other shall be varied in design and shape so as to avoid the appearance of being identical.
In the event a permit is denied to any applicant by reason of this section, such applicant shall have the right to appeal to the Board of Trustees. Such appeal shall be in writing and shall be received by the Board of Trustees at least seven (7) days prior to the regularly established meeting at which such appeal is heard. The Board of Trustees may refer appeals to the Plan Commission for recommendation to the Board of Trustees. The Board of Trustees may receive evidence from both the applicant and the property owners in the vicinity of the proposed building or structure.
After receiving and carefully considering such recommendation and evidence, if the Board of Trustees shall determine that the construction of the proposed building or structure will detrimentally affect values of adjoining or neighboring properties, then it shall affirm the denial of the permit. If, after such consideration, the Board of Trustees shall determine that the proposed building or structure will not detrimentally affect values of adjoining or neighboring properties, then it shall direct the Building Commissioner to issue a building permit. (Ord. O2008-46, 8-12-2008)