9-1-13: PENALTY:
   A.   Amount Of Fine: Any permit holder, entity, or person violating any provision of this title or of this code on a construction site shall be fined in the amount set forth in the following schedule. The permit holder shall be liable for the payment of all fines levied for violations of this title.
Description Of Violation
First violation
Second or third violation
Fourth or subsequent violations
   B.   Interpretation: For the purposes of this section and in determining the appropriate amount due hereunder:
      1.   A separate offense shall be deemed committed on each day during or on which the violation occurs or continues.
      2.   All violations of any provision of this title that are committed by the same person, or any firm controlled by such person, shall be counted, regardless of whether or not the violations occur at the same location.
      3.   Any finding or plea of guilty or no contest upon a citation shall be deemed a violation.
      4.   For purposes of determining multiple violations, a violation of a construction regulation shall include violations of this title and violations of title 7, chapter 1, article B of this code. (Ord. O2008-46, 8-12-2008)