(A)   No officer or employee of the city, or of any city agency, shall appear before the city or any city agency, or receive compensation for services rendered on behalf of any person in relation to any particular matter with respect to any matter on which the officer or employee personally worked while in the service of the city, or of city agency, for a period of one (1) year after the termination of the officer’s or employee’s service with the city or a city agency.
   (B)   No officer or employee of the city, or any city agency, shall make, participate in making, or use their official position to influence a decision involving the interests of a person with whom they are seeking, negotiating, or securing an agreement concerning future employment.
   (C)   No officer or employee of the city, or any of city agency, shall disclose or use, without appropriate authorization, any confidential information acquired in the course of their official duties.
(Ord. 2022-11, passed 11-7-22)