Any time it shall become necessary for any person, business, or entity to encroach upon any street maintained by the city or to disturb the soil or rock underneath such a street, for any reason, including, but not limited to, entrance construction, utility repair or installation, vegetation removal, boring or digging of any kind, said person, business, or entity shall file an application with the City Clerk. Upon receipt of the application by the City Clerk, a meeting shall be scheduled with the Mayor or his designee for determination of the bond requirements. Prior to issuance of the encroachment permit, the bond required by the Mayor or his designee shall be posted with the City Clerk. The amount of the bond shall be determined by the Mayor or his designee and shall be based upon each individual project specification and shall be designed to cover the cost of returning the city-maintained street to pre-project condition. The initial bond shall be effective for a two-year period. The person, business, or entity shall have a maximum of two years to restore the city- maintained street to its pre-project condition unless a time extension is granted by the city. Approved forms of bond surety are limited to the following: Irrevocable Letter of Credit from any FDIC insured bank or lending institution acceptable to the city; cash-in-escrow that is escrowed at any FDIC insured bank or lending institution acceptable to the city; or performance or surety bond from a bond provider acceptable to the city.
(Ord. 2020-01, passed 2-3-20) Penalty, see § 91.99